Thursday 10 July 2014

5 Paranormal Places in the WWwworld.....!!!!!!!!

1.The Beechworth Lunatic Asylum, Australia

Abandoned asylums, for my money, are the creepiest places ever, and Australia has a good one. The Beechworth Lunatic Asylum — originally called Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum — is located in Victoria, Australia. It served as a mental hospital from 1867 until 1995. At its highest capacity, 1,200 patients lived there. About 9,000 patients died in its 130-year history, and there’s little doubt those souls are haunting it this very day. Visitors can take a night time ghost tour, to which I say, no thank you.

2. The Bhanghar Fort, India

According to legend, the fort became cursed when a wizard who lived in the town fell in love with the princess of Banghar. Drawing on his skills in black magic, rather than on his interpersonal skills, he tried to woo the princess with a bowl of magic potion. It didn’t work. She figured out the play and threw the bowl against a large boulder. The boulder was disturbed enough to start rolling, and it rolled right in the path of the wizard. As the wizard faced down the boulder, he cursed the town, saying that it would be destroyed and become uninhabitable. He was crushed to death. Soon after, the town was invaded and pillaged. Most of its inhabitants, including the princess, were killed. Those who lived abandoned the fort.
The wizard’s curse remains, of course, and the ghosts of those killed continnue to haunt the fort. The Archaeological Survey of India, which manages the site, forbids anyone from staying at the fort after dark.

3.Dominican Hill, Baguio City, Philippines.

According to some people the ghosts of people who died during the war haunt this place. Some say the patients who died here despite having the hope to be alive turned into ghosts. Hearing the banging of doors, windows, clattering of dishes and screaming voices during night are reported by people.

4.The Myrtles Plantation

Built in 1796 by General David Bradford, this stately old home on Myrtles Plantation is said to be haunted be several restless ghosts. Some researchers say as many as ten murders have been committed there, but others, such as Troy Taylor and David Wisehart, have only been able to confirm one murder at Myrtles. 
Even they agree, however, that the place is seriously haunted and easily qualifies as one of the "most haunted." These are some of the ghosts that allegedly haunt the house:

  • Chloe – a former slave who was allegedly hung on the premises for killing two little girls. (Those murders and even the existence of Chloe are in question.)
  • The ghosts of the two murdered children have been seen playing on the veranda.
  • William Drew Winter – an attorney who lived at Myrtles from 1860 to 1871. He was shot on the side porch of the house by a stranger. With his life's blood pouring from his body, Winter staggered into the house and began to climb the stairs to the second floor... but didn't make it. He collapsed and died on the 17th step. It is his last dying footsteps that can still be heard on the staircase to this day. (Winter's murder is the only one that has been verified.)
  • The ghosts of other slaves allegedly occasionally show up to ask if they can do any chores.
  • The grand piano has often been heard to play by itself, repeating one haunting chord.
 5. Screaming Tunnel, Niagara Falls, Ontario

Many years ago by a local historian who had talked with a woman that claimed to be the only living person to once call the tunnel’s village home.
She talked about a small group of houses gathered in a confined area. A woman who lived in one of the houses was not liked by her neighbours, and known for being a bit deranged.
After a fight with her husband, which happened often, the woman would calmly walk out of her house and into the tunnel, walk to the middle and let out the loudest scream her lungs would allow. She wanted the entire region to feel her anger and pain, and to know how impossible her husband was.
After a while these residents started calling the passageway “Screaming Tunnel” in honor of this woman.
Whether the truth lies in the story of the frustrated wife, or the horrific tale of a little girl’s death, this location remains a unique and dark visit for any history loving local or tourist.

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